Individual, Child, Family & Marriage Counseling

Catholic Charities has been providing counseling services since 1960. Counselors within the program are experienced in many areas of practice and can help clients address a wide array of concerns. The counselors have master’s degrees in mental health and are trained and licensed in Clinical Counseling.
At Catholic Charities, we approach each client in a unique fashion using a variety of intervention, including evidence-based practices to address your concern. The approach in counseling is holistic, collaborative, and is individualized for each client.
For clients who have experienced traumatic events, either as children or as adults, we offer trauma-informed care, including the use of EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR is a technique which helps the brain more efficiently and fully process past traumas. For clients for whom this is an appropriate treatment, the result is often a significant decrease in emotional distress related to the trauma memories.
Learn more about what counseling is
As counselors work with each individual client, they may provide individual adult or child counseling, couples therapy, or family therapy. A unique aspect of our counseling program at Catholic Charities is the opportunity to include spirituality as a part of the process. The program is available to all community members. Counselors can also refer to our other Catholic Charities programs including:
housing, or
community resources as needed.
For program information or to schedule an appointment:
Call Client Care 859-581-8974
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please have insurance and income information available for Client Care to best serve you.
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones, (PAL)
PAL will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at Catholic Charities, 3629 Church Street, Covington, KY 41015. PAL provides continuing education and support, at no charge, for parents with a son, daughter or spouse suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs. No cost. Just come.
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For more information contact Client Care at 859-581-8974