Extend a Hand. Change a Life.


While the breadth of services offered is impressive, it’s the depth in which we impact people’s lives that makes Catholic Charities special. Our unique, long-term approach of helping the whole person by focusing on their emotional, financial and physical needs empowers them to reach their full potential. We utilize a “hand-up, not hand-out” approach by asking our clients to make a commitment to us, just as we make a commitment to them. This “case management” approach assists clients to develop and achieve meaningful goals that improve their quality of life.

As Catholic Charities looks to the future, the organization will continue to open its arms to the Northern Kentucky community and grow the number of people served as we pursue our mission. To do this, we will identify ways to expand our collaboration with other social service organizations in the community, align the mission with the many parishes in the Diocese and engage more volunteers. As the primary outreach organization of the Diocese of Covington, it is critical that we motivate the community to activate their faith and answer this call to discipleship.

We believe, if asked, our community will answer.

We invite all to walk through our front door of hope. To those in need, we will guide you. To those members of the community – we need your help to carry out Christ’s mission. The light of Christ shines bright when you walk through our doors.

The Diocese of Covington Catholic Charities USA